Extraphysics explained

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Extraphysics explained

What is extraphysics? Extraphysics is a multidisciplinary area of research, spanning physics, astronomy, computer science and even biology. It has to do with the study of the non-physical properties of the universe. This involves the exploration of things such as space, time, matter and energy and life. All these things are so complex and vast that there is so much more out there to be discovered. In fact, there are even entire planets with life on them which have yet to be explored. The study of Extraphysics could lead to a better understanding of our universe. This would make it easier to solve problems that we have to deal with today. What areas are there to explore within Extraphysics? There are so many areas of Extraphysics that it is very hard to just pick and choose one. In addition, new developments are happening so quickly that we are never quite sure what is going to catch on. However, some areas that have become very popular and important over the last few years are: 1. Dark Energy and Dark Matter 2. Wormholes and Black Holes 3. The Search for Other Planets 4. The Search for Other Life Forms What is Extraphysics? - The Basics In physics, a phenomenon which cannot be explained by classical Newtonian physics is referred to as ‘Extra-Physics’. Extra-Physics includes physics itself, as well as physics’ own theoretical bounds. That is, anything which defies our current understanding of physics. We have come a long way since the discovery of Extra-Physics, but there is still a lot to be learned. Some of the things which are yet to be uncovered include: the composition of the universe; the formation of stars and galaxies; the behavior of black holes; and the nature of dark matter and dark energy. This is where the study of Extraphysics comes into play. Since Extra-Physics defies the laws of Newtonian Physics, there are a number of ways that Extra-Physics can be studied. It could be studied on its own, or as a branch of astrophysics. The former is where the scientists take a purely Extra-Physics-based approach, and the latter is where they take an extra-Physics-based approach in combination with other fields such as astrophysics and cosmology. Here are some of the major findings in Extraphysics, which have been made since Newton’s time: 1. The discovery of the expansion of the universe. 2. The discovery that there are other solar systems other than our own. 3. The discovery that black holes are actually black, even though they’re made up of matter. 4. The discovery that the universe contains much more matter than we thought. 5. The discovery that dark matter and dark energy exist. 6. The discovery that there is a strong connection between supermassive black holes and quasars. 7. The discovery that there is a strong connection between quasars and the “Cosmic Web”. 8. The discovery that black holes can be a source of energy. 9. The discovery of magnetic monopoles and antimonopoles. 10. The discovery that the universe is not perfectly symmetrical. 11. The discovery that dark matter and dark energy have been there since the beginning of the universe. 12. The discovery that matter, dark matter, and dark energy can be used to form the galaxies and the universe we see today. Some of the theories surrounding Extraphysics There are some theories out there regarding the nature of Extraphysics. The two major theories are: 1. An extra-dimensional theory. This is where the laws of Physics break, and physics cannot be explained as a four-dimensional world, but there is a fifth, higher-dimensional world. 2. Another theory is a meta-universe. The difference is that this is a multiverse, with multiple universes. In order to explain this, let’s take a closer look at the four dimensions. The usual four dimensions (space, time, and length) are called physical dimensions, but there are actually seven physical dimensions. These include: 1. Length (L) 2. Width (W) 3. Height (H) 4. Depth (D) 5. Time (T) 6. Colour (C) 7. Temperature (T) (Source) How many dimensions are there? There are 7 (the same as number of physical dimensions). But according to string theory, there could be between 10 and 26 extra dimensions (these are not physical dimensions, but are the ones that make up the universe). But string theory predicts that there are at least 10 extra dimensions (the minimum). This would actually mean that there are about 16 physical dimensions (the four plus the ten). But, this is where it gets complicated. String theory predicts that there are between 10 and 26 extra dimensions (the minimum). But if string theory is correct, there are probably between 10 and 26 extra dimensions. This means that the physical world would be 4D, but all of the other dimensions would be visible to us. So what could the extra dimensions be? The first extra dimension is the length (L). The second extra dimension is the width (W). The third extra dimension is the height (H). The fourth extra dimension is the depth (D). The fifth extra dimension is the time (T). The sixth extra dimension is the color (C). The seventh extra dimension is the temperature (T). Which would be the most popular among scientists? String theory has not been confirmed by experiments yet. So scientists have not found conclusive evidence that extra dimensions exist. But string theory predicts that the size of the universe is not infinite, and that there are probably extra dimensions. So which do you think is the most popular among scientists? The second. String theory is one of the main theories that scientists use to explain the universe. Which do you think is the least popular among scientists? The third. Most people do not know about string theory. (Source) String theory is not real but what about Superstring theory? You might know that string theory is a scientific theory but what about a more advanced theory called Superstring theory? This is also a scientific theory that is a more advanced form of string theory. The difference is that Superstring theory is based on the string. So if string theory is true, Superstring theory should be true too. But scientists are not sure if this is true. So which do you think is the most popular among scientists? The third. Most people do not know about Superstring theory. (Source) (You may know that string theory is a scientific theory but what about a more advanced theory called Superstring theory?) What do you think is the most important thing that people need to know about string theory? String theory is the most popular of all scientific theories and I think most of you will agree with me. However I also think that string theory is the most important scientific theory to understand why the universe exists. What do you think is the least important thing that people need to know about string theory? The third. Most people do not know about Superstring theory. (You may know that string theory is a scientific theory but what about a more advanced theory called Superstring theory?) Why do scientists like string theory? Most people will answer that scientists like string theory because it explains many things. For example, there are many unexplained things in the universe such as why the universe exists and why people exist. Even some things like why light can come from another place. But I believe that scientists believe that these things can be explained by string theory. Why do you think scientists like string theory? Most people will answer that scientists like string theory because it explains many things. Theoretically, it is possible to speculate about the future and the past if we had post-physical information about our origins, however that is not the case for the average person. If you or I were born in a physical body and we were not given knowledge of our original physical or spiritual existence we are in no way allowed to look back at our past and make any conclusions about it. In our world, you or I are in no way allowed to speculate about any of this. We are taught the concept of time so we can all understand that the future is fixed and the past is fixed. The past is what is and the future is what we do to the past. However if time was something that could be altered, we would have no understanding of the concept of time. That means we cannot look back at the past or even contemplate the future, because if we could then time would be undefined. The concept of time only makes sense when we think of time as something that is always moving forward, which means there is an ending and a beginning to time. The concept of an ending and a beginning to time gives the concept of past, present, and future. The idea of the future existing before the present in time is a part of Western thought. The concept of time as an eternal dimension that existed before the beginning of this physical reality can be described by Eastern thought, but this concept is very difficult to understand, and there is no way to prove if it is true or not. The time you are in right now, with your physical body, is the only time you will ever live. Any concept of a past that you or I can see and that we can talk about is just a concept. There is no way to look back at any past because if you were to do that you would have changed it into something different than it was. The future, however, can be changed by your thoughts, feelings, actions, and the natural world around you. These four things can affect the future that is coming into existence. If you act like you will always be happy and the future is a happy time, then you will be happy when the future arrives. The future is just a concept of the mind. Time is also just a concept of the mind. If you change your thoughts, feelings, actions, and the natural world around you, you can change your future.

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