Posts of the day 2021-11-24
The Brazilian nationalist candidate for 2022 elections, Bruno Sousa Alves da Costa, has officially published his plan of reindustrialization of Brazil and to turn Brazil into a world superpower in 8 years of governmentQuantum science team manages to develop the first experimental quantum fuel power plant, and the results are impressive
Quora is considered as an atheist extremist website
OTMSN+ Movement gets worldwide recognition
Quantum scientists announces the creation of a 100 functional quantum computer brain (QCB) and of a 100 functional quantum computer body system (QCBS).
The Crystal Energy Initiative (CrEI) and Mineral Energy Initiative (MEI) united efforts to build a massive dual power plant that combines crystal energy and mineral energy in the USA
New experiment on CERN finds out there are non-physical particles in our universe, but it's really hard to study them by conventional means.